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With a new release of a Sonic game comes unbridled excitement from the masses! and by the masses, I mean myself. Sonic BOOM was released for Wii U and 3DS today. This week I am revisiting some old sonic games leading up to my review for Sonic:BOOM. I am going to be fully transparent with you, I am a Sonic lover, apologist, and defender. I love this hedgehog. I think he has been unfairly criticized for some of his previous gaming effort (such as Lost World).

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Just for some background, my favorite Sonic game is Sonic Colors for Wii closely followed by Sonic 2 and Sonic 1. Sonic Advanced for the Game Boy advance was a fantastic series and I enjoyed Sonic Generations. My least favorite Sonic game ever is Sonic R for Saturn, closely followed by Sonic ’06 for Xbox 360.

What is Sonic Lost World?

Sonic Lost World (SLW) is the follow up to the critically acclaimed Sonic: Generations (people didn’t hate it). Generations was a 2d/3d hybrid platformer taking players through a greatest hits style selection of sonic levels and music. While Generations played great, it left me a little saddened that there were no new levels. Fast forward to Sonic Lost World for Wii U. This game is fresh. The easiest comparison for people to understand is SLW is like the Sonic version of Mario Galaxy. The idea being that Mario Galaxy excelled at having Mario platform on multiple small planets each with there own unique gimmick. Levels were short but each area is paced very differently due to changes in gravity, enemies, etc. The first level of Lost World (Windy Hill) has Sonic running and jumping in a 3d environment from these small almost planetary chunks of land. It’s very well done. Sonic is trying to get from point A to point B and there are a lot of ways they make that happen in this game. Each world has 4 staged and a boss fight. This is a pretty standard 3D platformer where Sonic can roam the world but there is usually a path or 2 the game wants you to focus on that you aren’t given much reason to deviate from.


How does it play?

For a Sonic 3D game it plays great. As a 3D platformer in general, the controls leave a little to be desired. Part of the issue is hardware limitations (WIi U controller is huge) but also the button placement is awful. Sonic is equipped with a spin dash button, a jump button that locks on, and an attack button where Sonic can jump on and kick opponents. The triggers are used to make Sonic run. Sonic is always walking unless prompt to run. It feels weird, but the decision actually gives the player a lot more precise control over Sonic. My issue with these controls are that I personally had a lot of problems hitting the wrong jump button. I would want to attack but hit the lock on and then while trying to lock on to something I would try and kick it. I am not used to Sonic having so many options but I adjusted. That said, the game is FAST and the framerate is super smooth. Sonic has a floaty jump but it is easy to adjust too. I liked controlling Sonic in this game, and that is a big feat in a Sonic 3D game.


How is the level design?

Level design is so important in a Sonic game. This game has different environments like water, snow, dessert, green, and lava. Each level has moments where the game is like “SONIC IS GOING SO FAST YOU CANT POSSIBLY CONTROL HIM WITH HUMAN REFLEXES SO WE WILL TAKE CONTROL OF HIM AS YOU BASICALLY WATCH HIM FLY THROUGH THE LEVEL”. Where other levels are slow and plodding, where you are pushing switches and solving some puzzles. Some levels have rails to grind on, and some pull out to a 2D viewpoint and things go back to Sonic’s Genesis roots. It almost feels like Sonic Team is using this game to try new ideas out and I love that. After the first stage, anything and everything happens. The game keeps on you on your feet. The boss battles are very easy for a Sonic game but they also feel fair. They don’t expect you to use one time only skills or anything like that. The rules always stay the same for the player and then it’s just navigating the new challenges.

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How is the story?

Stupid question. It’s Sonic the Hedgehog. The story is an amazing tale! Sonic has to team up with a past rival and works to stop demons from taking the power from his world. Truly magical stuff, I actually have no idea what happened in the story but the cut scenes were well animated and I smiled a lot.

How is the music?

The music is very good. The opening theme is super catchy. I never left Lost World humming the tunes but I always enjoy the music when I turn the game on.

Does this break the sonic cycle?

The Sonic cycle? You mean the never ending cycle of bad sonic games that include his animal friends and 3D? My friend, the Sonic cycle was broken when Sonic Colors graced our God’s sweet sweet Earth. That said, this is a damn good game. THIS GAME IS HARD. This game was so hard in fact, that the developers went back and patched in a less punishing life system. That said, I always felt like deaths were fair and not because the game was broken.

How is the Downloadable Content?

The DLC is pretty dope! They have a Nights Into Dreams realm level where Sonic revisits a great Sonic Team and Sega Saturn classic and they have a Zelda themed world. All pretty cool additions and they are FREE.


Are there black people in it?

I think Knuckles is black. He has dreads, likes to box, and has an “us against the world” attitude. Knuckles is so freaking cool. So….maybe?


In conclusion, this game is worth the money. I had a great time with it. It’s colorful and vibrant. It plays well. Is it better than Mario 3D world? No, but I think it fills a different niche. This game is breathtaking at times and the level design takes a lot of risks. Play it.

Thank you for reading!

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