Sonic Colors- (WII) Review

Yesterday, a good friend of mine “G Man” Greg Johnson asked me what does Sonic need to do to get back to it’s former glory and work in a 3D space. I pondered this for a second and then blurted out SONIC COLORS FOR WII. I truly believe that if Sonic remade Sonic Colors every year and just added new stages, Sonic would be complete and perfect and everything we remember. To quote myself from yesterday, “If Sonic Colors was a woman, I would ask her out on a date, buy her dinner, and invite her back to my apartment to make sweet consensual love.” I like this game that much.


What is Sonic Colors?

This game is a perfect blend of 2D and 3D platforming. Like peanut butter and jelly, this game melds 2 flavors together in perfect harmony. I am so hungry. Sonic Colors is a Wii exclusive game. You control Sonic in the third person and jump and run around stages to collect rings, grab red stars, and destroy bosses. As is a Sonic tradition, each stage has multiple tracks that you can take. Some paths are faster than others while other paths may have more items and hidden collectibles. This game utilizes wisps (more on that later) to gate off certain sections. Sonic earns wisp abilities through out the game and as he gains more abilities he can reach more areas (think Metroid).

How does it play?

It plays like a modern take on classic Sonic platforming. There are moments of pure speed where you can control Sonic blazing through pipes and through space at one point. There are also slower methodical levels where Sonic has to think and be careful to get by. Sidenote: People always talk about how Sonic is all about going fast but in reality that it not the case! In Sonic the Hedgehog for Genesis you blaze through Green Hill Zone but hit a literal brick wall at Marble zone on the next stage. You cannot blaze through Marbe Zone! You have to stop and think and look for the next way to progress. Speed is not what Sonic is all about and this captures that. The jumping in Sonic Colors is floaty but consistent. Sonic has a double jump and can get to pretty generous heights. The physics in this game are consistent as well. Sonic accelerates and decelerates at a good rate.

The Wisps add another layer of control because each Wisp ability has unique handling. Once ability lets Sonic drill underground, while another you control with motion controls as Sonic takes flight. Some abilities shoot Sonic like a laser beam through crystals scattered all throughout the level. Most of these abilities handle well out side of the motion control ones. I also failed to mention the Wisps in my Sonic: Lost World review. They make an appearance in that game as well, but have not been seen since.


How is the level design?

The level design is great. The levels are gorgeous. There is an underwater level that takes place in Japan, a beautiful candy land area. My favorite level is when Sonic goes out into space. The theme of this world is Sonic is in an amusement park and each level feels like a thrill ride. When Sonic is in space, the track builds beneath your feet as you run. It looks soooooo goood. The levels are varied and have depth if you are into speed running or collecting.


How is the story?

Dr. Robotnik invites Sonic for a vacation at an amusement park he built. Sonic goes. It’s a trap. Robotnik is using the park to steal energy from the wisp’s planet. Sonic wins. Riveting stuff. The story is told through mildly humorous cut scenes.

How is the music?

It’s good. I don’t hum it in my free time but there are tracks in that game that I immediately recognize if I hear them out in the wild.

Does this break the Sonic Cycle?

It DESTROYS IT. This game would be great even if it wasn’t a Sonic game. It’s stunning, it’s fun, it’s nostalgic yet new. There is a co-op mode for friends. This game looks almost as good as Mario Galaxy. it looks and plays better than most of my 360 games. This game started a new cycle of good Sonic games.

Are there black people in it?

I can use my Mii in some of the challenges….he’s black. kinda.

In conclusion, this game is the reason I keep a Wii hooked up at all times. I always revisit this game. if my fiance left me and my cat died I would play this game to ease to the pain. This is my feel good jam. I suggest you play this game if you own a Wii or Wii U. It’s a masterpiece. Thank you for reading!

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