Saints Row 4: Re-Elected (XBOX ONE)- Review

I went from a 3d open world adventure to a 2D brawler (think Double Dragon) into a mech fighting game…. and it all controlled well and felt fully fleshed out. That folks is the experience you have playing Saints Row 4: Re-Elected.

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Here are my biases; I love Saints Row. This series became the pinnacle of open world games for me. I will never forget when I was in a friends room at Denison University (the Harvard of the Midwest)(BELIEVE DAT) and my friend was playing this gorgeous 3D game that looked like GTA but the game had a GPS for driving and finding missions. This was all it took for me. Saints Row from the first game on was GTA refined. They added GPS, they made missions ridiculous and fun while balancing story.This series of games is a masterpiece in my eyes and Saints Row 4 is no exception.

What is Saints Row 4: Re-Elected?

Saints Row 4: Re-Elected is a current gen remaster of the 360 title Saints Row 4. Saints Row is an open world sandbox game that plays from a 3rd person perspective. There are main story missions you can partake in and many side missions you can jump into at your leisure. The world is yours and you control the pace at which you complete missions. Saints Row 4 RE is violent, off the wall, and ridiculous.

How does it Play?

For all the different genres Saints Row 4 RE delves into everything controls well. I kept hearing myself say, “why is the best 2D brawler I’ve played in Saints Row? Why is the best mech game i’ve played in Saints Row? why is the best driving game….”. You get the idea, I think all aspects of this game handle well. You have the opportunity to run on foot, drive cars, fly planes, drive tanks, play in a 2D brawler, control an overhead style shooter, shoot from the 3rd person, control mechs and all of it handles well. Handling well does not mean realistic by any stretch but everything is easy and accessible to do. I almost always wish some of the odd gameplay changes lasted longer.

I think the shooting in Saints Row RE is solid enough for a sand box game. I just wish there was a real cover system like gears of war or GTA 4. You cannot latch onto cover, you literally just awkwardly stand behind obstacles to absorb gun fire. It works. I think this game is most rewarding when played on Hardcore difficulty because is too easy. This game gives you super powers (the plot section will explain why) and they make your character very overpowered. You have super jump, super speed, and get the ability to shoot fire/ice/”the force”. It is all a blast to use. The enemy AI is not great except in the boss battles. The thing I think this game got most right is adding a lot of boss fights. They are challenging and force the player to use all of their skills to win. I love it.

How is the Plot?

My biggest gripe with coverage of Saints Row as a series is that all of the journalist dismiss the plot and characters and I think that is an egregious mistake. Journalist say it’s a dumb game with dumb fun and it’s only value is being so crazy and different. I would argue that they crafted one of the more touching bromances in gaming in Saints Row 4 RE between Johnny Gat and the Boss.

The characters all experience great loss and at moments they truly reflect on that especially in this game. Saints Row 4 RE is a parity of Mass Effect 2. It apes the Normandy, the romances, and even the loyalty missions. The plot of Saints Row 4 RE is the Earth has been invaded by Aliens while you (the protagonist) are the President of the USA! These aliens capture you and your friends then proceed to put you in a computer simulation to mess with your mind. You are trying to escape the simulation to save the Earth. Because you are in a computer sim, you have the ability to hack in super powers. The game becomes the Crackdown 2 we always wanted. (Spoiler alert, Crackdown 2 sucked)

How is the Soundtrack? 

It’s so good. At one point you dance at a strip club to some classic rock. The game is constantly using environmental music to create tension and mood. Certain weapons have songs that play with them. The soundtrack is licensed and you can choose different radio stations. One station plays classical music, you have a rock station, a rap station, and so on. It’s all very well done and gives the game a lot of personality.

How are the Graphics?

Meh, they are decent. Honestly, the game doesn’t look a whole lot better than the 360/PC/PS3 version but the game is very smooth. I feel like a lot of the open world jank you get in games this large has been lessened. The player models look great, my only complaint is that the world itself is very dark and makes me miss the vibrant colors or Saints Row past.

Are there Black people in this game?

Hell yea! Keith David is this bitch! Seriously, he has a large role in the game. I created the Boss to be a black man as well…he looks like me. A lot. Pierce, Aisha, and many of the cast is ethnic. The game does not focus much on race but the series was founded on gangs and violence and that has not changed much. Your character is a sociopath and everyone acknowledges that. How can I hate a game where the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State are all black! There are women high up in the govt. as well.

The same issues exist, this game portrays black men as thugs and criminals BUT they are also saving the world……yeah, let’s just enjoy that.

In conclusion, I love this game. I actually picked up this game because it was in a bundle with the new expansion Gat out of Hell. I have been sucked in so deep by this game that I haven’t even played the new expansion yet. Play it. Thank me later. Thanks for reading. Peace.

LISTEN TO MY PODCAST! Ebony and Ivory cast where I wax poetic with my main man G-man. You can find on, itunes, stitcher, podcastgarden, and I think that’s it. Thanks!

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