OK K.O.! Let’s Play Heroes (PC)- OK K.O.! Let’s Keep Supporting Black Media!

With the recent success of Black Panther, let’s not forget about Ian Jones-Quartey. He is the creator of one of the best cartoons on television and a lot of other fantastic media.

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*Full disclosure- The unbelievable support of Black Panther has been a very polarizing thing for me. One on hand I love that all these positive black role models are represented in a huge tent pole movie for Marvel…on the other hand we just raised a billion dollars for Disney and act like that somehow started a movement… Ironically, I felt the same way about Wakanda, they had the power to save the community but instead they worked with the problematic UN, built a school in the hood and called it a wrap. 

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Ian Jones-Quartey is the creator of the fantastic web comic RPG World, a developer for Steven Universe, and the mind behind OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes! (objectively, the best show on Cartoon Network not named Teen Titans GO!) (my opinion is objective)(science). When talking about influential media and representation on screen, Ian Jones-Quartey has brought gender diversity, dynamic and fluid sexuality, and a deconstruction of toxic masculinity into our children’s morning television programming. Steven Universe is very well known for it’s gender fluid representations and diverse depictions of relationships and Ian Jones-Quartey is a big part of that. OK K.O. is another show that finds subtle ways to subvert the norm. For example, Race isn’t a factor in the show in the traditional sense but there was an episode about a group of characters called Kappas are discriminated against and can’t get Hero cards. Dendy, K.O.’s best friend is hurt by this and they find a way to make it happen. The awesome part is that K.O. uses his privilege to help his friend get representation, the sad part is that the only reason that representation is allowed to take place is because the owner of the Hero Card factory realized he could make a lot of money selling cards to the Kappa people, and his greed was the real reason he diversified his cards….this seems relevant somehow…

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My personal experience with Ian Jones-Quartey’s work is OK K.O.! My son watches it and I have found myself probably enjoying it more than him. The show focusing on a fledgling hero who is trying to find himself and make the most of his abilities. Doing all of this while dealing with the trials and tribulations of dealing with people and trying to make everyone happy. KO also has to deal with failure and the reality that the world isn’t as black and white or hero and villain as he once thought. It’s an amazing show that captivates me on a lot of levels. I have also put some hours into the video game based on the show, which is a beat em up masterpiece that captures all of the charm of the show and adds new layers of interactivity and creativity to the genre.

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Ian is also an amazing voice actor and he is just so cool. He is such a talented writer, but also able to navigate different social spaces in some amazing ways. To put it succinctly, if Ian Jones-Quartey was making content and around when I was in my formative years, I think I would have grown up with a better sense of self and more confidence. He matters. He needs to be known.

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All of this was and more was painstakingly put into a video game available on PC, PS4, and XBOX ONE. It’s a great show and a great game. The game only cost the price of a movie and some popcorn and supporting a black man who is carving out such a unique and amazing niche in both gaming and television is money well spent. Buy OK K.O.! Let’s Play Heroes!

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