Tag Archives: Abyss Odyssey

Abyss Odyssey- A mini review (XBox 360)

What a pleasant surprise. This game is gorgeous, captivating, confusing, sexy, empowering, and a lot of words to me right now.

Yeah…she about sums it up.

This game is a procedural generated 2D action platformer with RPG elements. That is a mouth full. Basically this game is a beautiful Metroid style platformer with randomly generated levels. Death is permanent. You move down floors to reach a final boss at the bottom and every time you play the stages are different.

The art style is amazing. it’s like playing a beautiful painting.

The combat is complex. Every fight feels intentional and significant. You move with the left stick but have normal attacks tied to the right stick. The Y button has special moves you can upgrade. The triggers block. it works really well. After a few minutes you will be rolling around and attack everything. There are fun nuances to the battles! You can buy tokens to turn into the monsters and they each have unique abilities.

The reason this game works is because the leveling system and skill tree balance death out and pace things masterfully.

This game is what I imagine tripping balls is like. some levels have random realistic fish flying through the air and then a topless woman with tentacles will attack. it’s mesmerizing. I beat this game a few nights ago and I recommend it for anybody looking for something different.