Black Characters in Gaming- Rodin (Bayonetta 1 & 2)

Let’s just tackle this from the start, I understand that Rodin is a demon who guards the gates of hell and is technically not a man of African Descent from America. But he looks black, and uses what I would consider American black language. So….. he’s black to me! and it’s my blog!

Rodin is the MAN! This dude is so fucking boss. He is the smoothest, most stylish, peddler of demon goods in gaming. Rodin shows up in cut scenes in Bayonetta and also sells you items in his bar. He is also a playable character later in Bayonetta 2. Platinum games is the company responsible for Baynonetta. Baynonetta is about a witch who kills angels and does crazy stuff. Bayonetta herself is hyper sexual and overtly feminine. Rodin is her male juxtaposition. Rodin is defined by having a sexy voice, he is incredibly strong, and always has a solution for any problems. In a game about extremes (extreme visuals, extreme sexuality, extreme scope and action), Rodin is disturbingly calm. It makes him stand out that much more.

Is Rodin a problematic representation of black characters in gaming? He has a dark side. He does run the games of hell and he sells Halos (the games currency that Bayonetta collects during fights) on the black market. He is a demon though. Rodin is a conundrum in a sense because he is very helpful and caring towards Bayonetta and he helps her work to save their realms from disaster.

rodin (1)


Stereotypes: The Hyper-Sexualized Black Male-

In the past, Black people were portrayed in animalistic ways. One of those ways being that Black men have an animal-like lust and desire for sex that meant white men had to hide their woman. Hyper-sexualization is both created outside the black community and reaffirmed within it. From an era where Emmet Till was murdered for supposedly whistling at a white woman (he was killed to send a message to black men to stay stop seducing those white women) to now where black music (rap/hip-hop) and society in general flaunt sex at every turn (interracial relationships are all over television, porn is obsessed with large black penises plowing young white women…). Stereotypes about large black penises and the large amount of black male porn only work to keep this stereotype alive. All of that said, Rodin is constantly having a low-key sexual banter with Bayonetta in the 2 games. He is always making these sexual jokes and sly nods to Bayonetta’s sexuality.

Stereotypes: Black man as cool (more specifically, defining what cool is)

Black men have defined cool in this country for a very long time. Our music, dancing, vocal patterns, words, are constantly being appropriated within other cultures. Rodin is just so fucking cool. He always lands on his feet, never loses his glasses, and always gets Bayonetta the weapon she needs. Rodin has this deep low melodic voice and speaks using what many would consider black vernacular. At one point in Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta says, “How do you say? Pop a cap in yo ass…” and Rodin looks at her with suspect eyes….as the gatekeeper of cool Rodin made it clear her saying that was not cool. 

Stereotypes: Black man as a symbol of strength.

I’ll keep this brief, Rodin is basically a brick. In every Bayonetta game (there’s 2…) he has a concrete block or stone block hit him on the head and break. He in always unphased. No matter what is happening, he is always tending bar and relaxing. He never worries, he is forever resilient. Symbolically and physically he is Bayonetta’s rock. 

Stereotypes: The Magical Negro (it’s a stretch but bear with me). 

“The Magical Negro is a supporting stock character in American cinema who is portrayed as coming to the aid of a film’s white protagonists.[1] These characters, who often possess special insight or mystical powers, have been a long tradition in American fiction.” – Wikipedia

Think of Rodin as the black dude from Green Mile. Rodin has the power to make Bayonetta’s magical weapons and provide her with the magical resources she needs.

What does it all mean? It’s another black man in gaming. I am glad he exist, and I am glad they made him playable in the second game. In a game where everybody is extreme, Rodin almost seems real. I like that.

Check out the Ebony and Ivory Cast! This week we discuss Patreon and all our beloved gaming personalities going solo!

Thanks for reading! Peace.

1 thought on “Black Characters in Gaming- Rodin (Bayonetta 1 & 2)

  1. The Santa gif says it all man. Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat is a demon yet everyone always sees an old white guy. I have yet to play Bayonetta. No consoles, no Wii U. You might want to check out Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death for black protagonist in video games. He does fall prey to the “magical black man” stereotype, but he has it thrust upon him. I don’t think he falls into any other stereotypical categories. I’d be interested in hearing your take on him.


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